
Answers about Menstruation

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  • Mozelle 작성
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Education is an important part of life because it equips individuals with essential knowledge and skills, enabling them to understand and navigate the world eff
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What is the name given to March 21 and Veelo Booster Fake September 21?

Asked by Wiki User

The name given to March 21 and September 21 is the "equinox". This is when day and night are nearly equal in length, marking the beginning of spring (
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Does the cell cycle have a beginning and an end?

Asked by Wiki User

The cell cycle starts at Interphase where the cell works and grows. It stays in interphase for 90% of the total time of the cell cycle. The end of the cell cycl
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Is mensuration blood pure or impure?

Asked by Wiki User

Menstrual blood is not considered impure or dirty. It is a normal bodily function for women and consists of blood and tissue from the uterus. It is a natural pa
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Menstruation usually lasts for about?

Asked by Wiki User

Menstrual flow usually lasts 3-5 days. However, many agree that individual difference may be accepted. Therefore, flows as short as 1 day and as long as 8 days
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Is there any natural way to stop a period coming?

Asked by Wiki User

While it's not possible to completely stop a period from coming naturally, you can try lifestyle changes like reducing stress, maintaining a healthy weight, and
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What is the purpose of deep massage?

Asked by Wiki User

Deep tissue massage helps relieve muscle tension, increase range of motion, and reduce muscle stiffness. It targets the deeper layers of muscles and connective
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Does tension delay periods?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, high levels of stress and tension can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body, potentially causing delays in the menstrual cycle. This disruption can resu
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Why do you get bad gas during your period?

Asked by Wiki User

During your period, hormonal changes can lead to increased activity in your digestive system, causing bloating, gas, and changes in bowel habits. Additionally,
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What does it mean when you have white stuff in your underwear?

Asked by Wiki User

White discharge in underwear can be normal and is usually a sign of your body cleaning itself or preparing for your period. However, if the discharge is accompa
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What is menstual cycle?

Asked by Wiki User

The menstrual cycle is a monthly process in women's bodies in which the uterus prepares for a potential pregnancy. It involves the monthly shedding of the uteri
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Describe the path of eggs from ovaries to outside the body?

Asked by Wiki User

The egg(s) is released from the ovaries. It then goes to the fallopian tubes. Here, it can be fertilized by a sperm cell or remain unfertilized. Either way, it
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Can drinking flour mixed with water hurt you?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, drinking flour mixed with water can be harmful as raw flour may contain bacteria like E. coli which can cause food poisoning. It is recommended to cook flo
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Birth Control


While on Birth control do you take the white pills while you have your period?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you should continue taking your birth control pills as directed, regardless of whether you are menstruating or not. The white pills are often placebo pills
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How long does a prolactin test take?

Asked by Wiki User

A prolactin test typically takes a few minutes to draw blood from the arm. Once the blood sample is collected, it is sent to a laboratory for analysis. Results
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When you start your period do you bleed through your pants?

Asked by Wiki User

It is possible to bleed through your pants when you start your period, especially if you are caught off guard or have a heavy flow. It is a good idea to wear a
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Periods and Conception


Where should your cervix be 2 days before your period?

Asked by RM2224

The position and feel of the cervix can change throughout the menstrual cycle. Generally, two days before your period, the cervix is typically lower in the vagi
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Why does your period blood smell like alcohol?

Asked by Wiki User

It is not typical for period blood to smell like alcohol. However, changes in diet, hydration, or bacterial imbalances in the vaginal area can sometimes lead to
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Women's Health


Why test for double strand DNA Ab?

Asked by Wiki User

Testing for double stranded DNA antibodies is useful in diagnosing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a autoimmune disease. Presence of these antibodies in the
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Drug Addiction


How does Escstasy affect you menstrual cycles?

Asked by Wiki User

Ecstasy can disrupt menstrual cycles by impacting hormone levels and affecting the reproductive system. It may cause irregularities in menstrual timing, includi
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What makes your period heavier?

Asked by Wiki User

Several factors can contribute to a heavier period, including hormonal imbalances, uterine fibroids, polyps, hormonal contraceptives, and certain medical condit
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How do you get period blood out of all ready washed clothes?

Asked by Wiki User

For fresh stains, rinse the area with cold water to remove as much blood as possible. Create a paste using cold water and a bit of laundry detergent, then apply
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Does meth effect your period?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, methamphetamine use can affect your menstrual cycle by causing irregularities, such as missed periods, changes in flow, or delayed ovulation. Chronic meth
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Do flour and water stop period?

Asked by Wiki User

No, consuming flour and water will not stop your menstrual period. Menstruation is a natural process controlled by hormonal changes in your body and cannot be s
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Can you drink white vinegar to stop my period flow?

Asked by Wiki User

No, drinking white vinegar is not a safe or effective way to stop your period flow. It can be harmful to your health and may not have the desired effect on your
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