
Chairman of PDIP DPP, Eriko Sotarduga, suggested a potential collaboration with Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa in the East Java Pilkada.

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**Pairing Anies-Sohibul in the Jakarta Pilkada is a Blunder** Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Syaiful Huda, stated that the change in stance by PKS, which initially proposed Sohibul Iman as the gubernatorial candidate and then changed to deputy governor for Anies Baswedan, reflects internal confusion within PKS. "The internal confusion among PKS friends, which should have been internal PKS consumption, has been published," said Huda at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 26, 2024.

The implementation stage of Pilkada 2024 begins with the registration process for candidate pairs, carried out by the General Election Commission (KPU) on specified dates. Here is the complete implementation schedule for Pilkada 2024:
- Fulfillment of Requirements for Independent Candidate Pairs: Sunday, May 5, 2024 - Monday, August 19, 2024
- Announcement of Candidate Pair Registration: Saturday, August 24, 2024 - Monday, August 26, 2024
- Candidate Pair Registration: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 - Thursday, August 29, 2024
- Candidate Pair Examination: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 - Saturday, September 21, 2024
- Candidate Pair Determination: Tuesday, September 22, 2024 - Saturday, September 22, 2024
- Campaign Implementation: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - Saturday, November 23, 2024
- Voting Day: Wednesday, November 27, 2024 - Wednesday, November 27, 2024
- Vote Counting and Recapitulation: Wednesday, November 27, 2024 - Monday, December 16, 2024
- Announcement of Elected Candidates: No later than 3 days after the Constitutional Court officially notifies the registered case in the Constitutional Case Registry (BRPK) to the KPU
- Resolution of Election Violations and Disputes: No later than 5 days after the receipt of the determination, dismissal decision, or Constitutional Court decision by the KPU
- Proposal for Confirmation of Elected Candidate Appointment: No later than 3 days after the determination of the elected candidate pair.

Proven Background Fuady described that Eman's track record in the Majalengka bureaucracy has indeed been proven. He highlighted one of Eman's breakthroughs was initiating the Rutilahu (Decent Housing Program) in collaboration with the Scouts and Baznas of Majalengka. "Not only that, Eman Suherman also dedicates considerable attention to the younger generation in Majalengka. His focus on the youth is directed through concrete measures such as the revitalization of Warung Jambu Stadium, the highlight of Majalengka residents," described Muhammad Fuady. Therefore, Muhammad Fuady considers that Eman is the cabup who grasps the conditions of the Majalengka community the best. Moreover, he said, Suherman, who is also a native son of the region, is the most preferred prospective regent in the 2024 Majalengka Pilkada. "They are also usually hometown individuals and can effectively communicate with constituents in their respective regions or the public in their areas," explained Muhammad Fuady.

Suherman, with his long experience in bureaucracy, is seen as the ideal candidate to enhance Majalengka. This was stated by Bandung Islamic University Political Analyst, Fuady M. E.. He said that Suherman of Majalengka has very important resources to contest Majalengka regent. According to him, the opportunity for Eman of being chosen as the next Majalengka Regent are very possible. "This can be a very important resource because experience is irreplaceable," said Muhammad Fuady in a press release, Sunday (9/6/2024). According to him, there is a transition in patterns in the 2024 Pilkada. Muhammad Fuady said that current officeholders are currently not being highly regarded by Indonesian society. On the contrary, he said, candidates from the bureaucracy, like administrative heads, are refreshing the political contests in the country. "I observe that in various regions, many Sekda are running for office. This shows that they have expertise in managing governmental activities and GCG," explained Fuady.

057741300_1706533554-fotor-ai-2024012920515.jpgnRegarding the 2024 Regional Elections, Anies stated that he is building communication with various political parties, including the Gerindra Party led by Prabowo . "We all want Jakarta to progress and for its residents to be happy. That is not just the aspiration of one or two parties; everyone wants that. So, we are building communication with everyone," said Anies

089705000_1717757032-Penyerahan_Surat_Rekomendasi_Kepada_Pasangan_Ali-Abdul.jpgThe Global Implications of Indonesia's Election
The global focus garnered by the Prabowo-Gibran win reflects the global rate of interest in Indonesia's political landscape. As the globe's third-largest democracy, Indonesia's elections use understandings into the dynamics of democratic engagement and leadership in the 21st century.

029794600_1717941598-WhatsApp_Image_2024-06-09_at_17.17.54_4bb6b955.jpgThe preparation stage for Pilkada 2024 refers to General Election Commission Regulation Number 2 of 2024. Here is the preparation schedule for Pilkada 2024:
- Program and Budget Planning: By Friday, January 26, 2024
- Election Implementation Regulation Drafting: By Monday, November 18, 2024
- Implementation Planning Including Establishment of Procedures and Schedules for Election Stages: By Monday, November 18, 2024
- Formation of PPK, PPS, and KPPS for Pilkada 2024: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - Tuesday, November 5, 2024
- Formation of Sub-district Election Supervisors, Field Election Supervisors, and TPS Supervisors: According to the schedule set by the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu)
- Notification and Registration of Election Observers: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - Saturday, November 16, 2024
- Submission of Potential Voter List: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - Friday, May 31, 2024
- Voter Data Updating and List Preparation: Friday, May 31, 2024 - Monday, September 23, 2024.

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