
Anti Shaking RS485 2.0MP CCTV IP Camera Robot Mounted FCC

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  • Foster 작성
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You may be wondering, what can I do with serial communications, especially RS485. The Serial2 channel is always configured for RS232 communications, and can sustain baud rates up to 4800 baud. This chapter describes those drivers, and presents code that makes it easy to configure the SPI for different data transfer rates and formats. The InitSPI() function provides a convenient way to initialize the SPI as the master at a 2MHz baud rate. Now select the "Comm" item in the "Settings" menu of the Terminal program, and click on 1200 baud (or whatever baud rate you selected in the command above). If you do this now, remember to move the QScreen Controller’s serial connector back to Serial Port 1, and to change the terminal’s baud rate back to 19200 baud using the "Comm" item under the terminal’s "Settings" menu. If you have not yet compiled the GETSTART program and you want to do the exercises here, open GETSTART.C in your TextPad editor, click on the Make Tool, and after the compilation is done, enter Mosaic Terminal by clicking on the terminal icon and use the "Send File" menu item to send GETSTART.DLF to the QScreen Controller.

You can use it to communicate with other devices. Slave devices use the master in/slave out pin, MISO, for transmitting, and the master out/slave in pin, MOSI, for receiving data. If your application requires use of the secondary serial port as well as other interrupt routines, the key is to keep the interrupt service routines short and fast. Be sure to account for these effects when designing your application. Because the requirements of every multi-drop application are so unique, it is difficult to specify or design a software protocol that meets everyone’s needs. In the most common multi-drop RS-485 protocol, one computer is designated as a "master" and the rest of the computers or devices on the serial bus are designated as "slaves". The device that initiates a data transfer is the master, and all other devices on the network are slaves. The one you choose depends on the specific device, or devices you will be connecting to. Also, several non-serial interrupts can stack up; if they have higher priority than the serial interrupts, they will be serviced before the Serial2 interrupt routine, and again a serial input or output bit may be lost. Also, in the diagram, the master’s /SS (slave select) is configured as an output.

Regardless of the network, however, there are only four signals used: SCK provides a synchronized clock, MOSI and MISO signals are used for data transmission and reception, and /SS configures the QScreen as a master or slave device. The byte-sized messages are transmitted and received via the MOSI (master out/slave in) and MISO (master in/slave out) pins. It receives bytes sent by a slave device via the "master in/slave out" pin, MISO. The SCK pin clocks the serial A/D’s CLK input which causes the A/D’s conversion result to be transferred to the master via the MISO line. The Serial Peripheral Interface, SPI, is a fast synchronous serial interface. Consult the data sheets for any peripheral devices that you are interfacing to the SPI and, if a different configuration is needed, follow the instructions below to set up the appropriate SPI data transfer protocol. For the QScreen, /SS is not used for SPI communication because it is used to control the direction of the RS485 transceiver; you can use any digital I/O line as a /SS signal.

You can use the QScreen’s RS485 link to create such a multi-drop serial network. These manufacturers all agree on the meaning of the standard, and their practice is in widespread use. Most manufacturers still utilize a DB-9 connector. In this case, cable connections may be made to Serial 1 on either the 10-pin Serial Communications Header or the Serial 1 Connector. In this case, cable connections must be made to Serial 1 at pins 5 and 6 of the 10-pin Serial Header or pins 7 and 8 on the 24-pin Field Header. Any required SPI output signals must be configured as outputs, either by calling InitSPI() or by setting the appropriate bits in the Port D data direction register DDRD. The status of a device as master or slave determines how the various pins must be configured. When the /SS input goes low, the slave (or QScreen in this case) transfers data in response to the SCK clock input that is initiated by the master. By setting this output LOW, what is rs485 cable the slave’s input /SS is pulled LOW. In this example, the QScreen Controller selects the serial A/D by outputting a LOW signal on /SS. 2. Support IP and analog dual signal output.


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