
15 Pinterest Boards That Are The Best Of All Time About Midi Bed With Storage

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  • Jim 작성
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Midi Cabin Bed

There are plenty of options when it comes to selecting a bed for your children. There is one model that stands out: a midi bunk bed-cabin mattress.

These multi-functional designs offer the space to sleep, store and studying, as well as playing in one. Some of the most effective designs include pull-out trundle bed for sleepovers.


The Trasman Girona bed is a great option for children who want to incorporate storage, study and play into one solution. The mid-sleeper cabin beds comes with a pull out desk that is ideal for studying and can be folded back neatly under the bed when not in use. It is a simple design for a reasonable price.

The Happy Beds Jupiter mid cabin bed is a level above the basic version, as it includes the desk fixed and ladder. The ladder can be placed either to the left or right of the bed. There are also shelves behind the desk that can be used for storage. Made of melamine coated clean boards, this kids' bed is strong and in line with British and European safety standards. The bed takes one standard size mattress (mattress is not included).

Mid-Sleeper vs High Sleeper

A mid-sleeper or loft bed is similar to a regular cabin bed in that it elevates the mattress above floor level however there are some distinct distinctions between them that make them suitable for different kinds of room. A mid-sleeper is smaller than a high-sleeper and comes with a the advantage of a lower ladder or staircase. It is ideal for smaller children because they can get to the bed without having to climb too high.

A high sleeper however is higher up from the floor and has an extended ladder or staircase which makes it more suitable for teenagers. Both beds have space beneath them that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as the sofa, desk or wardrobe. Both are popular in rooms for children because they provide the best sleeping and storage solutions without taking up valuable floor space.


Midi cabin beds are the sophisticated cousin to bunk beds. They offer plenty of in-built storage underneath the bed's platform. Also known as midi loft beds or midi sleepers, they are a great option for children's rooms that have limited space, but want to maximize the floor space.

Our midi loft beds can be designed to accommodate both boys and girls, and come in a variety of styles from simple to stylish with options for a pull out desk, shelving or cabinets or drawers. The sleeping area is also smaller than a traditional loft bunk bed, making it suitable for younger children who are afraid of falling off a bunk that is high.

The Trasman Girona is a fantastic example of a stylish and practical midi loft bed. It comes with a huge pull-out desk that can be placed inside the frame for your child to have chairs and a table for Midi Cabin Bed playing or studying. When it is not in use, the desk can be easily stowed away. This midi-loft bed is offered as a stairway option to help your child to get into the sleeping space.

The Happy Beds Jupiter Mid Sleeper is another great example. It features two cabinets and a chest within its design. This bed is not only functional however, it can be made to match any decor. The storage is situated just next to the bed, which means it doesn't eat up valuable floor space.

These models, as well as the rest of our midi loft beds, can be purchased online or in selected stores that sell furniture for children and specialize in bed frames. We recommend that you head to a store that specialises in children's furniture. They have a large selection of bunk, high, single mid sleeper and low beds as they will be able to advise you on the best option for your bedroom for your child. They will show you the different models and explain how to put them together to create the perfect style for your bedroom.


Whether it's a mid sleeper or a cabin, children's beds need to be safe and sturdy to prevent them from falling out of them. So, with this in mind, all of our mid-sized cabin beds are equipped with safety rails for protection around the edges of the frame to ensure that your child won't roll out of bed during the night and fall off the ladder or steps.

Additionally, all of our beds are compliant with British and European EN747 safety standards for midsleeper and high sleeper beds so you can be certain that your children are safe sleeping. For safety reasons, many mid sleeper and cabin beds have a maximum mattress height. This information is available on the page of the product. Always use the recommended mattress for your specific mid-sleeper or cabin bed to maintain the safety standards.

Many people mistakenly believe that a mid-sleeper or cabin bed is the same as a normal bed. However, they are raised to provide storage space beneath. This means you can fit a desk, sofa or even clothes rack under the bed. This is a perfect option for those with limited area or want to make the most of their space.

The mid sleeper or cabin bed could also be designed to be divided into two sofas. This provides you with a complete sofa suite within one space. This is perfect for those who have children living in the same room or those who are moving into their own bedroom for the first time and want to maximize their space.

A Midi cabin bed is a fantastic option for any room with kids. They look awesome and are extremely safe. They offer your children plenty of storage space for studying, play and clothes. Don't let the look and extra features make you believe that a mid-sleeper bed or a cabin bed for children can be quite expensive. That's why we suggest you always compare prices and consider the budget before buying a midi cabin bed or any other type of children's bed.


A midi cabin bed can be a great choice for children who have a large collection of toys, clothes, or books that they want to move out of their bedroom. The beds are constructed with a combination shelves as well as drawers and cabinets which help your children organize their belongings in an enjoyable and practical manner. This makes it easy for them to find things they need in the morning, while getting ready for school or getting ready for bed.

A DOC mid-sleeper is among the most sought-after solutions to maximize small bedrooms. The mid-height loft includes drawers on the desk as well as a cabinet and wardrobe. This cleverly designed bed is perfect for sleeping or studying, or even playing.

You can also opt for the Julian Bowen Jupiter single mid sleeper-cabin bed with drawers, shelves, and a pull out desk. The ladder can be built on either side of the frame and the shelving can be positioned on either side of the bed which means you can build it into a wall if you'd like to make the most of the the floor space in your child's room.

The great thing about a midi cabin bed is that it incorporates amazing storage capabilities into an elegant contemporary design that looks great in any bedroom. The Cookie cabin bed has three drawers of storage and a shelf, all integrated into its design. You can also put in an extra desk that can be pulled out so that your children can do their homework or study on the bed.

As well as the storage options available, many of our Midi beds are constructed with high-end materials and designs that keep your kids safe. They're constructed from tough, wipe-clean boards that are water and scratch-resistant. Some even have anti-bacterial protection to stop the spread of germs.

To ensure you buy a secure midi cabin bed for your kids, always check the product details and reviews. Look for a wide range of safety features, including bolt holes and fixed ladders to ensure that it is in line with British and European EN747 standards. Be aware of the size of your child as some midi-cabins are too high for children of smaller sizes to safely climb using ladders.


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