
What Is The Reason Remote Control Anal Plug Is Right For You?

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  • Michell 작성
  • 작성일

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The Benefits of a Metal Anal Plug

An anal-plug made of metal gives intense stimulation that softer toys can't provide. They are also more hygienic because they are much easier to clean and sterilize than toys made of silicone anal butt plug. They can be heated or cooled for sensual temperature play.

Find toys made of medical grade Surgical Steel and other materials that are safe for metal the body to avoid allergic reactions. Make sure they have a flared base to prevent over-insertion and getting stuck in the anal.


Surgical steel is a popular choice for anal plugs made of metal, and is also easy to sterilize. You can boil them, then wipe them clean with alcohol, or simply clean them with sex toy cleaner to keep them clean and safe for use.

Glass is a different type of material that is both visually appealing and smooth. Borosilicate glass is a great choice for those who appreciate tactile sensations and want something more distinctive than the standard anal toy.

The only drawback with this kind of toy is that it can be a bit heavy following prolonged wear, and it's not the most suitable for those who aren't quite at ease with remote control anal butt plug playing yet. You'll want to use plenty of lubricant, and begin with gentle stimulation prior to increasing pressure. You can also test your new plug in the shower to ease any muscles that are tight or threatening to hurt. A little foreplay as well as an excellent lubricant can make the insertion process much less painful, as well.


The anus is a sensitive area, so it's important to choose toys that don't cause irritation or pain. Metal butt plugs are easy to insert and provide gentle stimulation for both beginners and advanced anal enthusiasts. They can be heated to provide more comfort, or with lubricant to provide an intense experience.

A lot of these toys come with an elongated base that stops them from being sucked into the anus and causing a dangerous infection. Certain toys come with knobs and curves that stimulate sensitive spots to enhance the experience while others are simply weighted for an enhanced sensation.

If you're seeking a plug with tails that are suitable for sensitive play, then check out the Njoy Pure Fun deluxe stainless steel anal plug. This luxurious toy features an extremely small steel plug with a 1.1-inch diameter and a long faux fox tail that separates from the head for ease of cleaning. This tailed plug pairs perfectly with temperature play: simply run it under hot or cold water for added sensations.


Many people shy away from using metal plugs because they think they will be painful and uncomfortable to use. However, they can be extremely comfortable if you use large amounts of lubricant, and follow some basic tips.

For example, always make sure that you clean your metal plugs thoroughly after each use, and sterilize them when necessary. This will prevent the build-up of bacteria and help ensure that your sex toy is as clean as can be. You can boil, wipe with alcohol or wash them with soapy water.

Another important tip is to avoid pushing the plug of metal into your anus too quickly. Be patient and don't force it too hard.

Some metal butt plugs have a hefty texture which can enhance the pleasure and feelings they bring. This can be a great option for newbies but could be too harsh for some experienced users. It is recommended to use a soft plug at first until you become more comfortable with the feel of a plug made of metal.


Metal butt plugs might be an excellent choice for certain but they're not the best option for those suffering from vibrating anal butt plugs pain or discomfort. This is mostly due to the fact that anal plugs don't possess the self-lubrication characteristics of a softer toy and therefore must be made with plenty of lube to stop irritation, or even damage to the anus itself.

Certain metal anal butt plugs butts, however, are made of body-safe materials like stainless steel and aluminum which are easily cleaned and sterilized to make them more hygienic. Some people boil their toys after use to ensure they are free of bacteria or other germs. Others simply wash them in warm water using sex toy detergent.

Additionally, they are easy to sterilize, some people like to heat up or cool down their remote control anal butt plugs plugs to provide a more stimulating experience. This makes them a great alternative for those who love playing with temperature and would like to explore different methods of stimulating their anal holes.


Metal anal plugs can add some weight to your play. This is ideal for kinky people that like an extra sense. Plugs that are weighted with threaded or ribbed edges boost stimulation and provide an additional dimension to your game.

The majority times, anal plugs are safe, but it is essential to ensure they are made of a body-safe material like surgical steel. This is the only sure way to ensure they don't cause allergic reactions or any other health problems.

It is also important to clean a metal plug properly before and after use. To prevent bacteria buildup the plug must be washed in warm water with sex toys cleaner or mild soap. It is also recommended to sterilize a plug made of steel using boiling water.

Since they're not porous and can be sanitized, stainless steel butt plugs offer an alternative to rubber anal plugs. They are also great for temperature play and have a smooth base. Additionally, the majority of stainless steel butt plugs are recyclable. This makes them an excellent option for anyone who is looking for a long-lasting anal plaything.


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